Advanced Enterprise AI: Mastering Azure OpenAI, LLMs, and Cutting-Edge Techniques

2 days - Advanced

This training is designed to provide a deep dive into the latest advancements in AI and their practical applications in an enterprise setting, ensuring participants are equipped with the skills to innovate and lead in their respective fields using Azure OpenAI and LLMs.


Training details

This comprehensive 2-day training program is tailored for enterprise tech professionals, focusing on the advanced application of Azure OpenAI services and large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or GPT-4. It includes cutting-edge AI techniques such as Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), fine-tuning methods, chaining, reranking, embedding, and cosine retrieval, providing a deep understanding of how to apply these technologies in enterprise scenarios.


Target Audience


Pedagogical method

Evaluation and follow-up mode


  1. Day 1: Core Concepts and Advanced Techniques

    • Morning
      • Overview of Azure OpenAI services
      • Introduction to LLMs (GPT-3, GPT-4)
      • Introduction to RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)
    • Afternoon
      • Fine-tuning LLMs for enterprise applications
      • Practical session on chaining and reranking strategies
  2. Day 2: Integration, Application, and Ethics

    • Morning
      • Integrating Azure OpenAI in enterprise systems
      • Hands-on workshop: Customizing AI solutions
    • Afternoon
      • Building and operationalizing AI applications
      • Discussion on ethical and responsible AI use

Contact us to discuss your project

Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible[email protected]