Kubernetes - Deploying and Managing a Container Platform

3 days - Intermediate

Training for architects and engineers focusing on practical Kubernetes deployment, management, and optimization for enhanced container orchestration and operational excellence.


Training details


Kubernetes has established itself as one of the main solutions for managing Docker containers in production, whether in the cloud or on premises. This training offers you an immersion in the internal mechanisms of Kubernetes. It guides you through its installation, configuration, and use for stateless and stateful applications. Through hands-on exercises, you'll explore Kubernetes tools for security, flow separation, access, monitoring, and logging. You will also learn how to optimize the scheduler to improve application service level agreements (SLAs).


Target Audience


Mastery of Linux environment, cloud and web applications Knowledge of an Infrastructure as Code tool (such as Ansible, Puppet, chef) is a plus Software development basics Familiarity with using and deploying applications in Kubernetes It is strongly recommended to have followed the “Deploy your applications in production with Docker and Kubernetes” training.

Pedagogical method

Practical training, aimed at acquiring know-how, based on a practical case as well as exchanges and feedback from the trainer's practical experience. An Event Storming session will be offered to participants to appropriate the business problems, and follow an implementation (in pairs or all together).

Evaluation and follow-up mode

The evaluation of the acquired skills takes place throughout the session through workshops and practical implementations. A hot evaluation of the satisfaction of the trainees is systematically carried out at the end of the session and a training certificate is issued to the participants mentioning the objectives of the training, the nature, the program and the duration of the training action as well as the formalization of the acquired skills.


  1. Day 1

    • Review of Kubernetes Fundamentals
      • Exploration of key features
      • Overview of the main Kubernetes resources
      • Consolidation of basic Kubernetes principles
    • Kubernetes Implementation and Structure (Lab 1)
      • Discovery of main components
      • Varieties of deployments
      • Network models
  2. Day 2

    • Resource Optimization and Control (Lab 2)
      • Monitoring
      • Logs Management
    • Securing the Platform
      • Lab 3 and 4
    • Authentication Process
      • Authorization mechanisms
      • Data flow management
      • Reinforcement of container security
      • Auditing
    • Advanced Tips (Lab 5)
      • Exploring priority classes
      • Affinity and anti-affinity mechanisms
      • Understanding of Taints and Tolerations
      • Nodes maintenance
  3. Day 3

    • Scalable Storage Space Management
      • Discovery of persistent volumes and persistent volume claims
      • Introduction to storage classes
      • Exploring StatefulSets
    • Advanced Administration Techniques
      • Discovery of custom resource definitions and operators
      • Practical use of CRDs and operators
      • Deployment tools
    • Analysis Labs
      • Identifying and resolving deployment issues
      • Diagnosis and remediation
    • Summary of the Concepts and Principles Discussed

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